I truly believe the “About Us” section is the hardest thing to write.    I (Amber) have always had a difficult time writing about myself.   It just feels so unnatural.  Yet, give me a few cocktails and I may act like my shit doesn’t stink…lol.

So I did what any smart person would do.  I outsourced it.   I have asked a couple of friends to jot down a brief paragraph or two on what they thought about me and Julian.   I think I may find inspiration in their words to find some of my own.  But before I do dear readers, here is what they have to say.

(I should note that so far only one friend has composed anything.  Hoping more come in later….geez what does that say about us…yikes.)


“The girl is fierce she is determined to rise up to any occasion and slay.

She is full of fire, her passion for life seeps from her and her spirit seeks to light the darkness in others.  A beautiful heart, mind for adventure, a focus to make the most of all situations and a creative spark you can feel when she enters the room.  Loyal to her core, devoted beyond measure and truly digs hearing others stories.  Travel is just one of the many things that makes this girl tick.  Stay tuned in and you will be in shock and awe of all the amazing things this woman dabbles in.”  –Heather Howard (Soul Sister & Certified Marriage Maker)

Ummm…. Wow!  When I read this my heart melted and a wash of such gratitude went over me.  It is always humbling to read what people think about you.   My girl Heather just gets me.   We have been friends for about 20 years and have been through the shit together.   Many thanks and lots of love to you HHH.

So yes, yes I am full of fire.  Have been since birth.   I do love all things creative.  DIY, bring. it. on.  My current dabble is in photography.  I had no idea there was soooo much to learn!  But I am trying.

I also love, love, love to travel.  I was slightly bitten by the travel bug when I took a leap of adventure and left Nebraska for a summer internship in San Francisco in 2000.   This would be my first time living so far from home.  Before this the farthest I had traveled was Mexico and Jamaica for spring break (Woot Woot).

Well that bug took another bite and a week after I graduated from UNL I packed up my car and drove across country (with my sister) to make CA my home for the next 6 years.   I like to say I “grew up” in LA.  Alas, I was creeping up on 30 and was in need of a life change.   With a career change came a change of venue.  Back to Nebraska I headed.   I was hesitant at first.   It was difficult to come to terms with the fact that I was moving back home (Now I know that there is no failure in that. ).  My saving grace (at the time) was that I was going to be traveling a lot for my new job.  And I have been on the road for more than half the year for the last 11 years (bug is still biting).

Then came the moment when that travel bug just took a chunk out of my ass.  It came during a time of heartbreak.  Which of course seems to be a defining moment for most changes.   I was recently no longer engaged to be married (ahhh universe, you just know).   Which freed me up to tag along on a trip to Turkey with a girlfriend of mine.  That was it.  I was and am now on a quest to experience the world!  I made a promise to myself that I would go out of the country at least once every year and I have upheld that promise.

Enough about me let’s learn a little more about Julian.  And to be fair I outsourced for him too.

“Julian has an enthusiastic zest for living…

…that draws all people of many walks of life into his path.  His welcoming spirit, fun loving whimsy and his overall humor will keep you coming back for more.  He is a guy you get addicted to quickly.  You can’t get enough of his rustic flare, off the wall sayings and his thrill seeking spunk.  He is definitely the guy you want to pull up a bar stool next too and have a “cheeky one” or two, get stranded anywhere with or trying anything new.  It’s always an adventure with Jules!”  –Heather Howard (Soul Reader & Certified Marriage Maker)

Daaayyyummmm…She nailed it again!

All of these things she says are true.  Julian is also one of the most reliable and steadfast humans on this planet.  He will give you the shirt off of his back and the last dollar in his wallet.   He loves a good beer and a chat.  Trust me when he starts talkin’ with that fabulous accent you just want to join him for that beer (or two) and have a good laugh.

He’s also a fantastic husband.

Unlike me Julian is a natural adventurer.   He has worked and lived is several different countries.  It’s just his nature to throw a few things in a bag and see where the road will lead him.    Julian loves to travel especially off the beaten path.

Julian grew up in a farming community in southern New South Wales, Australia.  As an adult he tried his hand at farming but a 7 year drought changed his path.   He studied and sat for his tests to become an Ag pilot.   This type of flying is not only for those of an adventurous spirit but it also takes a strong stomach and major cajones.   Becoming an Ag pilot has allowed him to spread his wings (pun intended) even further.    After all it is this profession (and his lust to wander) that ultimately led him to me.

Which brings me to us.   Julian’s travels eventually led him to good ol’ Nebraska.  He was on holiday visiting a long time family friend and making the rounds across the country and Canada becoming acquainted with Ag flying businesses.  Long story short we met and he fell in love.   I came to my senses a few months later but when I did that was it.  Five months later we got engaged in Sydney, Australia. Eleven months later Jules moved to Omaha, Nebraska.  Fifteen months later we were married in Highlands, NC, USA.   So I guess it is fair to say that our relationship started off as an adventure.

It is true that we have set the tone for our upcoming years.  We can’t imagine living life in a bubble.   We are very fortunate to live the life we do.   It’s truly a passion of ours to get out and see what the world has to offer.   We’ve just begun to scratch the surface of our adventures.   It’s just as exciting to know there are more to come as it is to actually be experiencing them.

So we created this blog to not only document our adventures but to also share them in hopes that it ignites the lust to wander in others.   We hope we can describe, document and share our travels from a unique and honest perspective.

We hope you enjoy our adventures and our retelling of them.  Most of all we hope that it inspires you to take your own adventures.

Safe Travels,

Amber & Julian (aka Jules)